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Medical cannabis – Chapter 1

Unearth the rich history of medical cannabis in our Cannabis Encyclopedia. Chapter 1, penned by experts Fred Gardner and Dr. John McPartland, sheds light on the therapeutic wonders of cannabis.

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Measuring cannabinoids – Chapter 2

Chapter 2 delves into the significance of testing cannabinoids. Samantha Miller is the author, and she walks you through choosing a lab and precisely measuring cannabinoids for medicinal use.

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Medical Cannabis Varieties – Chapter 3

Discover the distinct characteristics of the three primary cannabis varieties: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis. This chapter is a treasure for medical cannabis cultivators, breeders, and enthusiasts keen on understanding cannabis varieties in depth.

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Cannabis life cycle – Chapter 4

From seedling to flowering, Chapter 4 of our Cannabis Encyclopedia walks you through the various stages of cannabis cultivation, ensuring you grow healthy and potent plants.

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Seeds & seedlings – Chapter 5

Dive into the genetics of cannabis seeds and learn the art of seed selection. This chapter guides understanding different seed types and their successful germination.

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Vegetative growth – Chapter 6

Understand the pivotal role of vegetative growth in cannabis plants. This chapter covers ideal conditions, nutrient needs, and potential issues during this crucial stage of development.

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Clones & Cloning – Chapter 7

Thinking of growing cannabis using clones? Our encyclopedia provides a comprehensive guide on selecting and nurturing the best cannabis clones for optimal growth.

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Flowering – Chapter 8

Explore the fascinating world of cannabis flowering. Learn about growth patterns, nutrient needs, and how to protect your plants from pests and diseases.

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Harvest, Drying & Curing – Chapter 9

Unlock the secrets to a successful cannabis harvest. From drying and curing techniques to storage solutions, this chapter ensures you get the most out of your yield.

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Garden Rooms – Chapter 10

Jorge Cervantes shares expert advice on indoor cannabis cultivation. Discover tips on setting up garden rooms, reducing carbon footprint, and optimizing your indoor garden.

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Greenhouses – Chapter 11

Learn to build a top-notch cannabis greenhouse. This chapter covers climate control, lighting techniques, and maximizing harvest methods.

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Outdoors – Chapter 12

From soil selection to nurturing seedlings and clones, Chapter 12 is your go-to guide for growing cannabis outdoors.

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Indoor Garden – Case Studies #1 – Chapter 13

Discover the secrets of successful indoor cannabis cultivation with our in-depth guide covering everything from planning, construction, soil, water, nutrients, grow tents, and more. Achieve a thriving garden with expert tips on lighting, temperature, and humidity control.

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Indoor Led HPS Lights – Case Studies #2 – Chapter 13

Discover the best LED lights for growing weed plants indoors, with expert advice and guidance to optimize your cannabis garden for maximum yields and potency.

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Outdoor Backyard Garden – Case Studies #3 – Chapter 13

Uncover the essentials for a thriving hidden outdoor cannabis grow, and learn how to maintain a low-profile garden while achieving high-quality yields.

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Outdoor Large Garden – Case Studies #4 – Chapter 13

Explore advanced outdoor growing techniques: organic practices, genetics, and irrigation methods for optimal yield in our California case study.

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Preserving The Sanctuary – Chapter 14

Elevate your indoor cannabis cultivation with our expert insights and advanced techniques.

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Meters – Chapter 15

Understand the significance of PH EC meters in cannabis farming. This chapter covers everything from basics to troubleshooting common issues.

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Air – Chapter 16

Discover why maintaining optimal indoor air quality is crucial for cannabis growth.

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Light, Lamps & Electricity – Chapter 17

Light is essentialfor cannabis to grow strong, healthy medicine. All plants grow and evolve under Mother Nature’s sunlight and care. Plants are accustomed to natural

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Soil – Chapter 18

Soilsare different—very different—from one another. The average organic mineral soil is made up of 45 percent mineral particles; 5 percent living and dead organisms such

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Containers – Chapter 19

Container size, shape, construction material, color, and drainage outlets affect the maintenance schedule and ultimately the overall health of cannabis plants. Containers come in all

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Water – Chapter 20

Water is a part of humans and all living things. Water moves the fluids that support life in plants and animals. Water (H2O) exists in

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Nutrients – Chapter 21

Unearth the best nutrients for cannabis cultivation. Learn how different nutrients affect plant health and how to optimize yield.

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Additives – Chapter 22

Chapter 22 offers a comprehensive look into marijuana plant fertilizers. Understand effective additives, their benefits, and safe usage.

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Container Culture & Hydroponics – Chapter 23

Discover the wonders of hydroponic weed cultivation. This chapter covers everything from the basics of hydroponics to optimizing nutrient delivery.

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Diseases & Pests – Chapter 24

Equip yourself with knowledge on common cannabis diseases and pests. Learn preventative measures and effective treatments to maintain a healthy garden.

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Breeding – Chapter 25

Casual and serious cannabis breeders working with Mother Nature use selective breeding have transformed a wild plant into countless varieties of medicinal cannabis. New varieties

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Medicinal Concentrates & Tinctures – Chapter 26

Separating resin glands from foliage concentrates cannabinoids into dry powdered resin glands (kief*); when pressed into blocks, the resin concentrate is called hashish or hash.

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Cooking With Medicinal Cannabis Cooking – Chapter 27

Cannabis can be cooked or baked into food for medical consumption. Cannabinoids are liberated and become “active” when mixed with fats, oils, and alcohols. Fats

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